Special Pages (Regular Features)

FreeXpresSion comes togther through the efforts of many volunteers, including the hosts of our regular features. Their tireless efforts over so many years have helped build the magazine into what it is today.

  • Poetry in Form- Karin Anderson gathers together poets and poems
  • Xpressing the Spirit - the Rev Neil Cullan McKinlay's Inspirational page, for a dimension of our lives that is often overlooked, brings lifes views into a well balanced perspective.
  • Haiku Xpressions - hosted and edited by Cynthia Rowe.
  • Young Xpressions- Brenda Joy host the Young Xpressions encouraging younger writers to develope their creativity
  • International Poetry Xpressions - with Catherine Lee, features international poets and writers.
  • Competitions and Opportunities - every month Rhonda Rice painstakingly colates and publishes a list of the up and comming competions and publishing opportunities open to readers of all skills levels.
  • Krazy Korner - the fun page, as the name suggets, with our host Jill Baggett.
  • Xpressions of Interest - Peter Dargin, former headmaster and now a travelling educator, draws on a wealth of memories and experience to bring us an entertaining look at the Australian Outback.