PoetryPoetry: the word comes from an old Greek word meaning to create. When we sit with a white piece of paper or a blank computer screen and let our creative juices flow--it is amazing just how creative mankind is. Whether we know or understand some of the finer points of poetry we can all have a go at using this art medium to express ourselves. Take the mystery out of Sestinas, odes, sonnets, Limericks and Haiku etc.and learn how to both appreciate and write them. Each month a wealth of poetry is published in the print magazine FreeXpresSion. Australian Bush Verse after the style of Henry Lawson. Sonnets like William Shakespeare composed and a whole host of other literary styles gather together from authors and poets from around the globe to create the wonderful world of FreeXpresSion. Poetry Don't miss out any longer; subscribe to FreeXpresSion today and get a sense of belonging to the wider world of writing and writers. Whether you are an accomplished poet or just starting out as a novice; FreeXpresSion is the magazine for you. Beautiful poetry shines from our pages each month; uplifting, humoring, enlightening and bringing inspiration to souls who long for a more beautiful world. Subscribe today-it may be the best investment you ever made. |